The Courtyard Affair
Lagos, Nigeria
Jenga Stacking for functionality & efficiency
Once the final form and the classification of apartments were decided, we experimented with various apartment arrangements and found the Jenga stacking to be most efficient in terms of maximising space within the final form, while also fostering social interaction in a Multi-family residential building.
Passive sustainability for better living
The roof level is raised to introduce roof gutters that allow the collection of rainwater which can be used to wash cars, wet green areas, etc. Additionally, the raised roof allows for openings on the side of the roof, creating an avenue for the exchange of trapped hot air that would have remained within the roof all day and raised the temperature within interior spaces.
Modular burnt clay blocks are also arranged in a way that creates openings for uninterrupted movement of fresh cool breeze through the building, forcing out hot air confined within stair areas. This reduces the possibility of increased wall and room temperature due to continuous high solar radiation during the day.